Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Beauty of Roses

Monday I went to our local post office in the Camden High Street to post something to the States. (Impressed with my English?) I'd forgotten that post offices in England (as with the rest of Europe) are not merely places to mail a letter. The Royal Mail acts as a bank, investment house, insurance broker and in a myriad of other roles. Besides the obvious, this P.O. sells such things as greeting cards, computer supplies (including printers) and passport photos. While I was waiting in line (queuing) a rack with brochures for all kinds of investments and insurance (including pet insurance) caught my eye. On my way out a Royal Mail employee tried to interest me in opening a savings account at seven percent. He was very friendly, but backed off when he found out I wasn't a British subject.

At midday I walked over to Regent's Park, the 410 acre park not far from the flat. It features "stunning rose gardens with more than 30,000 roses of 400 varieties." Somehow the few hours I spent there coincided with the break in the downpours we'd had all day. The park was beautiful; I'll let my photos speak for themselves.

On the southwest end of the park is Baker Street, of Sherlock Holmes fame, where there's a museum at No. 221b. There was a throng of tourists outside; it's interesting to see how popular a man is who never existed yet lives today.

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